Christians are to lay down their lives, just as our Savior did. And that includes in the service of the tiniest image bearers—the unborn.

This is Ken Ham, co-author of the eye-opening book on Noah’s Flood, A Flood of Evidence.

Many so-called “Christians” want to justify abortion. Now, we’ve seen all this week that the Bible treats unborn life the same as life that’s been born. Let’s apply the gospel to this issue.

The gospel is the good news that, though we’re all sinners, Jesus came and died in our place, taking our penalty for us and giving those who believe new and eternal life. Essentially, the gospel says: “I’ll die for you.”

Now, the heart of abortion says the opposite—“you will die for me.” Abortion is completely opposed to the gospel message!

Christians are to lay down their lives, just as our Savior did. And that includes in the service of the tiniest image bearers—the unborn.

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Do You Really Think Child Sacrifice Is a Thing of the Past? Abortion and Child Sacrifice