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We’re supposed to search the Scriptures and see if what people are saying is true. Does the idea of a local flood come from the Bible?

This is Ken Ham, the CEO of the ministry behind the popular Answers Bible Curriculum.

Was Noah’s flood just a local event? Well, some Christian leaders say “yes.” But we’re supposed to search the Scriptures and see if what people are saying is true. Does the idea of a local flood come from the Bible?

Well, no, it doesn’t. Here’s just one example: the flood was a judgment on everyone at the time, except Noah and his family. Both the Old and New Testaments tell us that only the eight people on the ark survived. But if the flood was local, people outside the area would’ve been fine. A local flood completely contradicts Scripture.

Instead of changing God’s clear words in Scripture, we need to trust God’s Word. The flood was global!

Dig Deeper

Worldwide Flood, Worldwide Evidence Scientists Coming to Grips with Catastrophic Geology