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Some people think of Noah’s ark as a small boat because of the silly illustrations we’ve all seen. But the biblical ark was nothing like that.

This is Ken Ham, and our popular life-size Noah’s Ark is located in Northern Kentucky.

Some people think of Noah’s ark as a small boat, overcrowded with animals. That’s because of the silly illustrations we’ve all seen. But the biblical ark was nothing like that. It was a massive ship—over five-hundred feet long and eighty-five feet wide.

Now, some people think the flood was just a local event. But why would God ask Noah to build such a big ship if it wasn’t needed? People and animals could’ve just moved away from the flood’s path.

When we start with the Bible, we know the Flood was a global event. Those who say it wasn’t aren’t honoring what Scripture says; they’re trying to fit their fallible ideas into it.

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How Many People Built the Ark? Thinking Outside the Box