Scripture obviously teaches a global flood. It says, “All the high mountains under the whole heaven were covered” … and “all flesh died.” Also, “only Noah was left, and those with him on the ark.”

This is Ken Ham, founder of the ministry that built a full-size Noah’s Ark, south of Cincinnati.

Yesterday we learned that some Christians believe Noah’s flood was just local.

But they don’t get this idea from Scripture. It’s because they want to add millions of years into the Bible.

Scripture obviously teaches a global flood. It says, “All the high mountains under the whole heaven were covered” … and “all flesh died.” Also, “only Noah was left, and those with him on the ark.”

And Jesus compared the second coming to the flood. Just as the flood was a global judgment on wickedness, so will his return be.

A local flood doesn’t make sense of what the Bible teaches. So, instead of trying to fit our fallible ideas into Scripture, let God’s Word be the authority.

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What Became of Noah and His Wife? Models of Obedience