Moral relativism is rooted in naturalism. Thus, we get to determine right and wrong for ourselves.

This is Ken Ham, editor of the popular series of books, The Answers Books for Kids.

A recent study found that seventy-four percent of young people in America believe in “moral relativism.” That’s the idea that right and wrong changes over time, based on society. Seventy-four percent!

Really, our culture is just like Israel in the time of judges: “Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” But, where did this come from?

Well, really, moral relativism is rooted in naturalism. Generations have been taught that we’re just animals. There’s no god and everything evolved. Thus, we get to determine right and wrong for ourselves. And that leads to everyone doing whatever is right in their own eyes.

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Study: Moral Relativism the “Majority Opinion” of Gen Z Moral Relativism—Who Decides?