Genesis clearly teaches that God formed Adam from the dust of the ground not a preexisting hominid.

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In a recent video, famous Christian apologist William Lane Craig said Genesis was “mytho-history.” He said God created Adam and Eve from . . . yes . . . a group of “preexisting hominids.”

But this doesn’t match with what Scripture teaches. You see, Genesis clearly teaches that God formed Adam from the dust of the ground not a preexisting hominid. And, after sin, God tells Adam that he was made from dust and to dust he would return. Adam didn’t return to an ape-like creature because he wasn’t taken from one. He returned to dust because he was taken from dust.

And both the Old and New Testaments say Eve was created from Adam, not from an ape-woman.

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William Lane Craig's Mytho-History vs. Historical Genesis From Dust to Dust