This week we’ve seen that God defined marriage as between just one man and one woman. But what about the examples of polygamy we see in the Old Testament?

This is Ken Ham, CEO of Answers in Genesis and the popular Ark Encounter.

All this week we’ve seen that God has defined marriage as one man for one woman for life. Now, today, some people are pushing to redefine marriage to include different “relationship structures,” such as polygamy. We’ve seen that this violates God’s design of one man for one woman.

And it also destroys the symbolism of marriage. You see, Ephesians chapter five makes it clear that marriage is a picture of Christ and the church. There is one Bridegroom—the Savior, Jesus—and one bride, the church. It’s an exclusive relationship. One Savior; one church.

Polygamy destroys this picture that marriage is to represent.

God’s Word is clear, one man … for one woman.

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