Previous Episode: Can We Know Jesus Rose?

Jesus’ death wasn’t an accident. It was the plan of the Father from before creation that we might be saved!

This is Ken Ham, encouraging all churches to start their thinking with God’s Word.

Did you know that there are over three hundred specific prophecies about Jesus in the Old Testament? Here’s just a few of them: he would be born of a virgin in Bethlehem, he’d be of the tribe of Judah and from King David’s line. He would live a sinless life, die in our place, have men cast lots for his clothes, and that he would be buried with the rich. And finally, that he would rise from the dead.

Psalm 22 even predicts Jesus’ death by crucifixion—hundreds of years before the barbaric practice was even invented!

Jesus’ death wasn’t an accident. It was the plan of the Father from before creation that we might be saved!

What a glorious truth to celebrate this week.

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Fulfilled Prophecies at the Birth of Christ The Crucifixion