Why do so many people believe in evolution? Ultimately, it’s a heart issue! The Bible says that unbelievers’ hearts are darkened.

This is Ken Ham, author, speaker, and blogger on science and the Bible’s reliability.

This week we’ve seen that evolution faces so many challenges that it’s, well, impossible! Life doesn’t come from nonlife, information doesn’t come from non-information, and complexity can’t evolve in a slow step-by-step process.

So then: why do so many people believe in evolution?

Ultimately, it’s a heart issue! The Bible says that unbelievers’ hearts are darkened. They love darkness rather than light, and they suppress the truth in unrighteousness. That’s why people refuse to believe the obvious—that God created everything.

You see, the book of Romans says it’s obvious from creation that there’s a Creator. It’s only those who suppressed that truth who can’t see it.

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