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The world before the flood was so wicked that God judged it with a global flood. But many people wonder, where are all the human fossils?

This is Ken Ham, a missionary to our very evolutionized culture—even to the church.

The world before the flood was so wicked that God judged it with a global flood. Everyone not on the ark was drowned. But many people wonder, where are all the human fossils?

You see, most of the fossils we find today were formed during the flood. But we don’t find any human fossils in flood layers. Why not?

Well, the fossil record is mostly sea creatures. There’s really not that many reptiles, birds, or mammal fossils, and the few we have are found high in the fossil record.

You see, as the floodwaters rose, those creatures, and humans too, could initially escape until they eventually drowned. By that point, they were much less likely to be buried.

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Where Are All the Pre-Flood Human Fossils? Doesn’t the Order of Fossils in the Rock Record Favor Long Ages?