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When we start with the Bible, there’s no room for racist attitudes. That’s because we’re all descendants of Adam and Eve, made in God’s image.

This is Ken Ham, and we publish the award-winning family magazine called Answers.

When we start with the Bible, there’s no room for racist attitudes. That’s because we’re all descendants of Adam and Eve, made in God’s image. There’s only one race.

This means that everyone is your relative. So consider this: your neighbor, your coworker, the family across the street . . . they’re all your relatives. So are the millions of Hindu people in other countries, the “woke” secularists at your local college, and the tribal people you’ll probably never meet.

Here’s the application: it should burden us as Christians that millions of our relatives have never heard about the gift of salvation. We need to take the gospel to all the world.

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What Should We Do Personally About Racism? Racism—Getting to the Heart of the Matter