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Have you heard the claim that women have one more rib than men, since God took one of Adam’s ribs to make Eve?

This is Ken Ham, and we’ve built a full-size Noah’s ark south of Cincinnati.

Have you heard the claim that women have one more rib than men, since God took one of Adam’s ribs to make Eve?

Now, God did indeed take material from Adam’s side to make Eve. Genesis chapter two plainly tells us that. But that doesn’t mean all men are missing a rib. Think of it this way: if a man loses his finger in an accident, will all his future children also be missing a finger? Of course not! The man still passes on the genetic information to make the same number of fingers.

And it’s the same with Adam. He had the genetic information for a full set of ribs. And, besides, ribs are able to grow back, so Adam likely didn’t have to live without his for long.

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Women Have More Ribs Than Men Human Ribs: Amazing & Regenerating