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Many people claim Genesis chapters one and two contradict each other. But do they?

This is Ken Ham, author of the eye-opening book Six Days and Church Compromise.

Many people claim Genesis chapters one and two contradict each other. But do they?

Genesis one gives us an overview of creation week, with just a few verses on the creation of man on day six. But Genesis two gives us the expanded account of day six. So what’s the problem?

Well, you may hear that Genesis one says animals were created before Adam and Eve, but Genesis two says it was after.

This is an example of a supposed contradiction. When Genesis two was translated into English, some translations chose to say, “The Lord God formed every beast of the field.”

But other translations correctly translate this as “had formed.”

No, there’s no contradiction.

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Isn’t the Bible Full of Contradictions? Do Genesis 1 and 2 Contradict Each Other?