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The most common misconception about this issue that I hear from Christians is that we’re making the age of the earth a salvation issue.

This is Ken Ham, head of the ministry that built a full-size Noah’s ark near Cincinnati.

I’ve been speaking on creation and evolution for over forty years now. And the most common misconception about this issue that I hear from Christians is that we’re making the age of the earth a salvation issue—as if someone can’t be saved if they don’t believe in a young earth. But we’ve never said that. Not once!

But what we have said many, many times is that this is a biblical authority issue. You see, God’s Word in Genesis is clear—God created in six literal twenty-four-hour days and just a few thousand years ago. When we add millions of years into the Bible, we’re making man not God the authority—and that’s dangerous!

God’s Word is the authority.

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Does the Gospel Depend on a Young Earth? Hank Hanegraaff Falsely Accuses Me on National Radio