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As a former public school science teacher, I often laugh when I’m accused of being anti-science by evolutionists. Why do they say that?

This is Ken Ham, author of the books The Dinosaurs of Eden and D Is for Dinosaur.

As a former public school teacher trained to teach science in the classroom, I often laugh when I’m accused of being anti-science by evolutionists. Why do they say that?

Well, it’s not because I don’t love science—I do! It’s because I don’t accept their interpretation of the evidence. That’s because I reject their worldview. What do I mean?

The evidence about the past doesn’t speak for itself—it must be interpreted. And your worldview determines your interpretation.

I believe God’s Word, so I use it as the lens for interpreting the evidence. Evolutionists reject the true history in the Bible and instead rely on man’s ideas.

The problem really isn’t science!

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Are We Anti-science? Do Creationists Reject Science?