Then evolutionists say similarity among unrelated creatures is because of “convergent evolution.” This isn’t science—just imagination.

This is Ken Ham, editor of the popular series of apologetics books The New Answers Books.

The world is filled with astonishing examples of similar designs among unrelated creatures. Here’s one example—flying squirrels and sugar gliders. Both look very similar, and both have special membranes that allow them to glide. But they’re not considered to be closely related at all!

Now, similarity is supposedly evidence of common ancestry except when it’s not! Then evolutionists say it’s because of “convergent evolution.” This is the idea that evolution produces the same designs, over and over, in similar environments.

So, this means any feature could just happen to evolve an infinite number of times, which isn’t science—just imagination.

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Convergent Evolution or Common Designer? Do Genetic Similarities in Bats and Dolphins Echo Evolutionary Convergence?