Next Episode: A Freezing Earth?

According to evolutionists, these layers are laid down very slowly … with millions of years in between the layers. This means each layer would’ve been hardened before the next layer was laid down.

This is Ken Ham, CEO of the worldwide apologetics ministry of Answers in Genesis.

Did you know geologists have found many rock layers that are folded on top of themselves? Now, why is this a big deal?

Well, according to evolutionists, these layers are laid down very slowly … with millions of years in between the layers. Now, that means each layer would’ve been hardened before the next layer was laid down. So, how’d they bend? Shouldn’t the layers have cracked?

These bent rock layers are a big problem for evolutionists. But not for creationists! These layers were laid down quickly during the year-long global flood. So, they didn’t have time to harden before they were bent.

The history of God’s Word explains what we see in the geologic record!

Dig Deeper

What Is the Most Compelling Scientific Evidence of a Young Earth? Young-Earth Creationism