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When we start with God’s Word, we know that the sun was made perfectly for earth. Just the right distance, and just the right temperature … and created only a few thousand years ago!

This is Ken Ham, author of the eye-opening book Six Days about church compromise.

The sun is essential to life on earth. Without its warming rays, life wouldn’t exist. And that’s a big problem for evolutionists!

You see, the sun’s energy comes from the fusion of hydrogen into helium, in the sun’s core. But, this fusion changes the composition of the sun. Slowly, over millions of years, the sun would’ve gotten warmer. Now, that means, when life was supposedly first evolving, the oceans would’ve been frozen. And that’s a huge problem!

When we start with God’s Word, though, we know that the sun was made perfectly for earth. Just the right distance, and just the right temperature … and created only a few thousand years ago!

The sun’s only a problem for evolutionists.

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Evidence for a Young Earth and Creation What Is the Most Compelling Scientific Evidence of a Young Earth?