#11 To Mask or Not to Mask

I find this discussion nearly comical if it weren’t actually such a serious matter..nearly one of life and death.

We have been aware of the flu that originated in #Wuhan China now, for nearly six months; we watched in horror how this new novel coronavirus raged through Wuhan killing hundreds of thousands, in many cases, with frightening speed and lethality. With open borders and travel encouraged to continue, the seeding of this virus was guaranteed to spread globally, now it has. 

So, with a vaccine touted as the only “cure” and until that miracle arrives we much adjust to the “new normal” of social distancing, working from home, wearing a mask, and contact tracing. 

Now that we all have recognized that COVID19 is here for the long-haul, are there other options available to us so that we may remain safe and healthy, outside of mask-wearing?



