James Park (Jim) is an Energy Conservation Specialist who currently works for I-Star Energy Solutions, a company that focuses on Mechanical Insulation Assessments.

Jim brings 42 years of experience in the building industry and has had many different roles since he started as an asbestos worker back in 1974. He has reinvented himself many times to stay relevant and it was a pleasure chatting with him to hear about the significant of amount of money he has helped save companies over the years.

Jim shares some of the challenges he deals with when trying to convince clients about savings in their building that is mostly always overlooked. You’d be surprised to hear how some small changes can pay for it self and put money in your profit margins each and every year.

If you’d like to learn more about Jim and his industry experience you can find him on LinkedIn.

Enhanced Building Solutions LLC, offers a “train and retain” turn key solution for training and development that embraces staff involvement. Building equipment technology is advancing faster than operators can keep up with and buildings account for approximately 40% of CO2 emissions in the United States alone. Training staff to operate buildings efficiently is necessary. Enhanced Building Solutions encourages video training in addition to hands-on. Video provides consistent information, saves on employee turnover, and minimizes liabilities. Nothing will ever replace hands-on learning but blending the two will create an ultimate training solution. Are you ready to be a pioneer in the industry?

~Annmarie Bhola