18 A Good Friend

If a friend is feeling down, 

Help to wipe away their frown. 

A good friend means you’ll show you care. 

A good friend means that you’ll be there.  

Help a friend that needs you.

Play and laugh the day through.

It’s lots of fun,you’ll see. 

A good friend is what you will be.

A good friend is what you will be.  

If a friend needs help from you, 

I think you know what to do. 

Give your friend a helping hand. 

Do the very best you can.


Help a friend that needs you. 

Play and laugh the day through. 

It’s lots of fun,you’ll see. 

A good friend is what you will be. 

A good friend is what you will be.  

Helping friends is good,you’ll see. 

A good friend is what you will be.  

Helping friends is good,you’ll see. 

A good friend is what you will be.  

Helping friends is good,you’ll see. 

A good friend is what you will be.  

Helping friends is good,you’ll see. 

A good friend is what you will be.  

A good friend is what you will be.