Bryan Collins relies on a simple system that captures notes and ideas that flow directly into his projects when he sits down to write.

His writing routine doesn't take all day yet achieves significant results. Find out how he works and test it out.

When you combine that with his simple system for collecting inspiration for all of your writing projects, you'll be on your way to completing a full manuscript.

Ready to do the work and write the truth?

Learn from Bryan:

how to “green-light” yourself

how to capture ideas with easy, daily systems

the magic of building your body of work in a surprisingly small pocket of time

how to find time for writing—even during hectic seasons of life

how to regularly review your notes from other sources alongside your own ideas

how to break out of writer’s block

Meet Bryan Collins

Bryan Collins is a USA Today best-selling author whose books include The Power of Creativity, This Is Working, I Can’t Believe I’m A Dad! and a best-selling series of books for writers.

He was a journalist and copywriter for years and has contributed to publications like Forbes, Lifehacker and Fast Company.

Today he runs his website Become a Writer Today, with the help of a team of writers, attracting several million visitors each year. And he hosts a popular writing podcast by the same name, where he deconstructs the writing processes of New York Times best-selling authors like James Clear and Daniel Pink.


Become a Writer Today, Bryan's website

Become a Writer Today, Bryan's podcast

I Can't Believe I'm a Dad, Bryan's book (paperback version, Amazon Affiliate link)

Bryan's interview with me: Self-Publishing vs Traditional Publishing with Ann Kroeker

Zettelkasten System

Day One app

ambient noise on noise-canceling headphones (to minimize distractions) (for focus and flow), (for transcription/dictation)


Wattpad for fiction

Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg (affiliate link for 30th anniversary paperback ed.)

Twitter for microblogging

Story by Robert McKee (affiliate link to Kindle ebook)

Choose Yourself, by James Altucher (affiliate link for Kindle ebook, on sale at the time of publishing this interview; about green-lighting yourself)

Flow, by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (affiliate link to paperback ed.)

Inspiration: singer Nick Cave (here's his interesting website) and author Stephen King

Listen to the interview, or read the transcript below.

Bryan Collins Interview

This is a lightly edited transcript.

[00:00:00.190] - Ann Kroeker

How would you like to develop a simple writing routine that doesn't take all day to achieve significant results? And what if you could combine that with a simple system for collecting inspiration for all of your writing projects?

Today I have Bryan Collins of Become A Writer Today on the show, and he is sharing his one-two punch of a system-routine combo that turns out an impressive body of work.

I'm Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach. If you're tuning in for the first time, welcome. If you're a regular, welcome back. I'm sharing my best tips and training skills and strategies to coach writers to improve their craft, pursue publishing, and achieve their writing goals.

Bryan Collins is a USA Today best selling author whose books include The Power of Creativity this is Working, I Can't Believe I'm a dad, and a best selling series of books for writers. He was a journalist and copywriter for years and has contributed to publications like Forbes, LifeHacker and Fast Company. Today he runs his website, Become A Writer Today with the help of a team of writers, attracting several million visitors each year by the same name, where he deconstructs the writing processes of New York Times bestselling authors like James Clear and Daniel Pink.

Let's hear his practical advice for writers.