What can be better than food? Let's look at some cartoons about food. There's an anime called Silver Spoon about a guy in farm school, and he gets conscripted into making pizza for everyone. We watched that one. Also there's a The Mr. Men Show, based on those books, remember? Anyway, that show has a zillion segments about food and food accessories, so we watched two of those. Plus, Matsy watched Nintendo talk about Splatoon 3 and its questionable new idols, Disney's new thing about chibi-ized versions of Phineas and Luz, and a little bit of the horrors of Heavy Metal; and Micah watched more of Tales of Alethrion and some YouTubers. Whoops!


Cartoons in this episode:

Gin no Saji (Silver Spoon), "Hachiken Bakes Pizza"

The Mr. Men Show, "Food" "Lunch"