Previous Episode: Episode 71 - Toitles

Today is the day where we watch a bunch of Adventure Time. Specifically, the episodes dealing with everyone's favorite unacceptable weirdo, the Earl of Lemongrab. We'll see his meteoric rise from shrill dictator, to two breeding fetishists, to one fat dictator, to a relatively benevolent overseer of citric monstrosities. Plus, Micah recommends Maya and the Three, and pays a visit to historic bathhouses in Thermae Romae Novae, while Matsy checks to see how many poops and farts are in The Bob's Burgers Movie. It's brooba-looby!


Cartoons in this episode:

Adventure Time, "Too Young" "You Made Me" "All Your Fault" "Another Five More Short Graybles" "Too Old" "Lemonhope Part One" "Lemonhope Part Two" "The Mountain"