Allen Laseter is a freelance animator and illustrator based in Nashville, TN. In our conversation, Allen discusses the importance of storyboarding, how to balance work and social life, and gave some tips on where to start with frame by frame animation.



Coke project:


Perky Bothers:

”Are You Wondering:”



- Graphic design history transition to directing to animation

- What he loves more about animation over live video

- Tension between mind and implementation

- Problem critiquing in the moment instead of allowing his mind to allow him to create

- Creative process (shot to shot) storyboards

- Storyboards for clients

- Frame by frame animation - where do you start?

- Link to quoted people's work - Are you wondering? project

- Photoshop for frame by frame production

- Hand letter design - on coke dribble times squares

- Mix between working at home and in studios

- Wife working at Perky Brothers

- “What do you have to complain about? You are just making pretty pictures.”- What everyone says about creative workers

- Wife and husband convos

- Life work balance

- Dream Client: Buck, Giant Ant

- Favorite animated film: Princess something?

- What do your wife’s parents think you do? Some kind of video work

- Animalator: snake

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