Next Episode: Episode 2: Allen Laseter

Colin Hesterly is a freelance Director & Artist working within the animation industry based in Denver, CO. During our conversation, he shared about the importance of client feedback, learning to say no and how to give up control to other creatives within projects.




Not to Scale:

"The Empire:"

"When I Grow Up:"



- Went to Full Sail University

- "You mean I can take pictures that I draw and make them move?"

- 5 years ago: "The Empire"

- deleted a Vimeo Staff Pick, but his second one got him a ton of emails

- internship in California with Buck

- Worked with Imaginary Forces after Buck

- Then worked at Royale

- Difficulty balancing time

- Worked at Hollister

- Directing TV shows

- New project for a TV show for preschoolers 

- Short film out for Christmas

- Time is spent figuring out how to expand past just client work

- Dream client: The People

- Favorite animated film: toss up between Winnie the Pooh and Pocahontas 

- Animalator is fish because of his daughter

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