Joining me for this episode is a trailblazing sportscaster, TV personality, philanthropist, animal advocate and author, Bonnie-Jill Laflin. We discuss her new book, In a League of Her Own. We chat about her drive and determination to become one of the best in her field. Becoming the first and only NBA female scout and her contribution to the success of the Los Angeles Lakers and San Francisco 49ers, where she has received six championship rings. In a League of Her Own, you will receive in-depth and insightful stories of nineteen other trailblazing women of sports, their journeys, challenges and ultimate success. We also have a chat about Bonnie-Jill’s nonprofit, Hounds and Heroes, dedicated to lifting the spirits and morale of our active, wounded, and veteran military troops worldwide, and to increase community awareness, education and, involvement about the cruelty to animals and necessary care for animals through rescue, foster, and adoption. Have a listen to this fun and motivational episode from someone who is truly In a League of Her Own. Enjoy!

EPISODE NOTES: Bonnie-Jill Laflin - In a League of Her Own