* 1:51 – Jesús talks about working with students to design research projects based on “hot topic” training ideas.

* 4:38 – Poisoned cues are discussed including a research project done by Jesús and one of his students.

* 17: 09 - Jesús says he believes the new frontier of animal training is a deeper understanding of stimulus control and how to use that to solve problems and enhance our work.

* 17:33 – Jesús talks about PORTL (Portable Operant Research and Teaching Lab).

* 19:09 – Jesús talks about “Jackpots”.

* 26:07 – Research projects around rate of reinforcement are discussed.

* 30:00 – Jesús suggests googling his name to find his students’ projects or check ORCA’s website (https://orca.unt.edu/) for projects as well.

* 31:38 – Ryan asks Jesús to talk about “Keep Going Signals”.

* 45:57 – Jesús talks about how he wants to see the discussion and understanding around stimulus control develop in the coming years.