1:27 – Ryan introduces Bryan.

3:35 – Bryan talks about Aubrey Daniels International.

7:07 – Bryan’s journey to behavioral analysis and work with organizations and businesses is discussed.

14:36 – Ryan asks Bryan if he always knew he wanted to work in Organizational Behavioral Management.

17:37 – Bryan talks about what he thinks his wife might say it is like to be married to someone who works in the field of behavioral science.

20:00 – “A day in the life of Bryan.”

24:09 – Bryan explains why they always teach organizational leaders about the science.

28:13 – Ryan shares a favorite story about teaching someone about the science of behavior.

31:32 - Find out more about Bryan and his work at Aubrey Daniels International at https://www.aubreydaniels.com/ or find him on LinkedIn.

34:28 – Bryan talks about what animal trainers are already doing really well that others could learn from beginning with embracing “the rat is always right” thinking.

40:25 – Bryan notes that animal trainers already do extremely well relying on positive reinforcement.

51:19 – The importance of precision of reinforcement delivery is discussed.

56:15 – Bryan says animal trainers use shaping and chaining better than most.

58:40 - Five things we can learn from Bryan’s work with organizations to be better animal trainers.

58:45 – Start by building relationships.

1:01 – Deliver reinforcement to human learners immediately or describe the behavior well enough so that the person knows what to repeat.

1:02 – When you coach behaviors, start with only one or two at a time and apply the concept of shaping.

1:04 – Develop a plan and collect data.

1:05 – In most organizations today, there is a lack of positive reinforcement.

1:10 – Bryan talks about what he hopes to see transpire with behavior science in the next 5-10 years.

1:12 – Bryan reminds everyone they can find out more about him at https://www.aubreydaniels.com/.

1:13 – Ryan thanks Bryan for coming on the show.

1:14 - Ryan directs people to www.animaltrainingacademy.com to find out more about ATA including membership.