In late 1977 I was walking through a thick pine-grove in Gainesville, Florida, USA when suddenly a thought came out of blue that gravity and human thought may be related.

I was not thinking about this relationship or anything connected to gravity at that time, and hence was taken aback by this thought and felt that it must be true since it came with such a force. The power of this thought was such that I spent next 3-4 months researching it and, in the process, neglected my Ph.D. research. I also felt that pine-grove acted as an antenna for getting such a thought.

This event also propelled me to start investigating the area of mind-matter interaction and other aspects of spirituality. In fact, whatever little I have done within this realm in the last 40 years was triggered by this single thought.

Though I understood intuitively the import of this thought at that time and even today, somehow the relationship between deep human thought and gravity has remained elusive. Recently it appeared that there may be a light at the end of the tunnel! And this podcast is my humble attempt to show how the human thought and gravity may be related.

The article was published in Thrive Global.