14th March is the birth anniversary of Albert Einstein. He has been one of my heroes and I have been inspired by his work and his life. So I thought of paying my small tribute to him.

Millions of words and thousands of books have already been written about him so what I am stating in this essay may not be anything new but for few anecdotes from people whom I knew.

I have always considered Einstein to be an extremely evolved human being and in my judgment, he occupies the same stature as Buddha, Christ and other great figures of history who have given mankind a new thought and have helped in its progress and evolution. Such people are few and far between but come to this planet earth to give a quantum jump to mankind’s thought.

The article on it was published in Thrive Global. https://thriveglobal.com/stories/one-of-my-heroes-albert-einstein/

The URL is at: https://nariphaltan.org/einstein.pdf