The crew welcomes the distinguished Robert Whitacre, co-owner of Breeder Link in Winchester, Virginia. In a topic timely for spring breeding, Robert talks about the best estrus synchronization protocols and methods, along with some cool tools to help make synchronization easier and more effective. The guys also talk about the importance of selecting the best protocol based on management abilities and heifer development.

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“At the end of the day, if the heifers are not cycling, nothing is going to make them cycle. Nothing is going to make them breed. It’s just nature, and it’s got to run its course.” [31:56]“You can’t highlight it enough, understanding what your people are capable of and what your facilities are capable of with your management and time.” [50:54]“Sometimes, we just need to know what our management is capable of or not before deciding a breeding endeavor.” [1:07:04]“We want to work with like-minded people and like-minded breeders.” — Robert [1:38:38]