Hey, Heifers! I AM SO SORRY MY UPLOADING SCHEDULE HAS BEEN INCONSISTENT FOR MONTHS NOW. I have no intention of stopping Angus Eye Tea. In reality, my life keeps getting busy or to be honest, I have some rough mental health days and just need to take a step back. However, I feel so rejuvenated after getting to go to my FAVORITE conference She Podcasts Live! I forgot how awesome it is to be around your kind of creative weirdos lol. I, uh, also left the conference with a third podcast?? More on that to come, but do go follow @wonkawatch on Instagram thx.

Again, I appreciate your patience during these past few months! Your support means the world to me. I hope y’all are doing alright and are enjoying spooky season! 




00:00 I’mmmmmmm baaaaack! Again! Ha ha ha!

02:01 I went to She Podcasts Live (SPL) in Arizona and the journey there was a hoot and a half lol.

10:42 The much needed vacation element to this entire trek, and also werkin’ it at a conference.

12:42 I chat about this 4:00 a.m. voice memo I made detailing everything that happened during SPL. Leaving home gave me some much needed space and relief from my car accident shit and other life shit.

18:30ish  A life-changing train museum and the birth of Harvey the Cow.

21:57 I have a THIRD PODCAST: Wonka Watch! Lololol someone pls stop me.

26:26 Final takeaways from She Podcasts Live! 2021. Also, yeah, I’m doing NaNoWriMo this year while having three podcasts lmao.

29:67 Outro!


If you enjoy this podcast, please consider giving it a review! It also is incredibly helpful for me to hear what is resonating with you, so feel free to DM me!

You can find the show notes for this episode at www.anguseyetea.com

Follow me on Insta and Twitter @AngusEyeTea.

Email: [email protected]

I am not a health professional. I am simply someone who was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Please talk to your friends, family, teachers, doctor, trusted human, etc. if you need help. I also have a resources page on my website that can direct you to different hotlines, therapy websites, and more at https://anguseyetea.com/resources/

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