Why Ionic 2 is going to rock your world

Panelists: Olivier Combe, PatrickJS, Josh Moont (fromAngularConnect)

Guests: Adam Bradley, Brandy Carney, Tim Lancina, Mike Hartington



Ionic 2 Beta

How is it going?

Any numbers you can give us for adoption rates so far?


Just switched from ionic-framework npm to ionic-angular


Any notable apps published with Ionic 2?


Create own router

How does it work on the web?

Work with deep linking?

Work with UI Router or Component Router in the future?

Jeff note: mention working with universal

Cool stuff Ionic team has been working on:

Ionic Creator

Started off with subset of functionality. How has it gottenbetter over the past 4 months?

Works much better

Cleaned up a lot of bugs

Added more components and customizations

Way better now than 4 months ago and more polished,stabilized

Who is the target audience for this?

Two target, drastically different

Developers to speed up boilerplate code dev and focus oncoding hard stuff

Designers/Marketers: Starting up an app to create aclickable prototype to hand off to devs 

In the future, can you create simple apps and publishwithout opening an editor?

Ionic Playground

Really awesome, but when will it be available for 2.0?

Recent changes and Roadmap

Agnosticism Initiative

Why change name of package from ionic-framework toionic-angular?

 Will there bean ionic-react?

Have you looked at Touchstone?

Angular 1 bindings?

How does Web Workers and Serverside Rendering fit in? 

Why change webpack to browserify?

Has build complexity with webpack caused problems?

What other types of issues have people run into?

Ionic Market - brandy

How is the adoption?

Over 70k unique sessions/mo

Ionic View - Tim

What is the diff with TestFlight?

Do you plan on supporting Windows Phone?

What is the status of CodePush-like deployments?

How does that work?

Will Apple potentially crack down on this eventually? 

Themes / SASS

Sweet spot for Ionic apps?

Apps that require heavy use of the camera?

Memory intensive apps?

How do you compare yourself with NativeScript? (Olivier)


Tips& Picks


Jeff Whelpley

(not a troll FYI, lots of Ionic love in this podcast) ReactNative Radio episode 6 - React Native vs Hybrid https://devchat.tv/react-native-radio/06-developing-with-react-native-vs-hybrid

Josh Moont

AngularConnect - just announced our workshops including anIonic workshop with Sani Yusuf called Building Mobile Apps With Ionic 2 - see www.angularconnect.comfor more info

Olivier Combe

Upgrading Your Application to Angular 2 with ng-upgrade: http://blog.rangle.io/upgrade-your-application-to-angular-2-with-ng-upgrade/

Universal Windows App + Angular 2 : https://github.com/preboot/angular2-universal-windows-app

Angular 2 RC milestone: https://github.com/angular/angular/milestones


Windows phone support https://github.com/driftyco/ionic/blob/2.0/CHANGELOG.md#windows-mode




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