Dmitriy Shekhovtsov and Nathan Walker are among the many early adopters of Angular 2. Typically the best way to learn anynew framework is to write code using that framework. Dmitriy wrote ng2-bootstrap, an Angular 2library that wraps Bootstrap. Nathan wrote ng2-image-lazy-loadwhich lets you download images on the fly after your Angular 2 has loaded.Tune in to hear about their experiences and learn the ins and outs of authoring open source libraries on top of Angular 2.

Aimee Knight  


Pro tip - say command


Design Pattern in Angular

Jeff Whelpley

Picks:The Phantom Menace Should Have BeenElasticSearch

Jurgen Van de Moere

Tips: Try to find something cool that is not made in Angular 2. Try to port it to Angular 2 and share your journey so others can learn from your learnings and mistakes as well.Picks:How to publish an Angular 2 library on npm by Olivier CombeSeries of interactive exercises for learning Microsoft's Reactive Extensions by Jafar Husain

Dmitriy Shekhovtsov

Links:Angular2 bootstrap 3 and 4List of ng2 modules looking for contributorsPlans, coordination and requirements to ng2 packagesPicks: Awesome Graph DB Neo4jTips: Don't waste time on complaining, just fix it and open PR

Nathan Walker


ng2-image-lazy-loadangular2 helpful resourcesMake angular2 helpful resources better by collaborating on it with this

Tips: Take time to read and understand the problem fully with consideration of everyone involved before commenting, opening an issue, or attempting to fix a problem.

Try out any angular2 seed (angular2-seed, angular2-webpack-starter, ng2-play, etc) and just play around. Create components, services, experiment with RxJS and see what you can do.


Jurgen’s Yeoman generator to create a standalone Angular 2 library in seconds.@robwormald awesome redux angular2 todo appPusher example - realtime twitter searchFun example of angular2 using Echo Nest api

Patrick Stapleton

Tips: Value the concepts learned from using tools rather than the tool itselfPicks: JavaScriptAir


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Angular Air is a video podcast all about Angular hosted by AngularClass. Please visit the AngularAir website to see upcoming and past episodes. Also be sure to follow AngularAir onTwitter and Google+ to stay up to date with future episodes. Also, all episodes are on the YouTube channel as well.

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