Angular Connect Recap - Angular Connect is done! Let's recap on the cool things that went on at this awesome conference!

Panelists: Olivier Combe, Aimee Knight, Scott Moss, Carmen Popoviciu, PatrictJS, and Jeff Whelpley


Olivier - Picks: Angular2, ThoughtGram, Upgrading apps to Angular2 using ngUpgrade
Kent - Tips: Put run and config functions in different angular modules to keep them out of your tests (and test them in isolation) - Picks: Open Source Stamina, Please, don’t commit commented out code, How to use classes and sleep at night
Aimee - Links: Web Workers in Angular 2, Tips: Do things that scare you, Picks: Angular Tips
Scott - Tips: Stay relevant; Spend 2 hours a week writing code with something new - Picks: Native Script
Carmen - Picks: Adventures with React Native, PocketNode
Patrick - Tips: Don’t use jQuery if you don’t have to. Try to refactor the jQuery widget out if you can - Picks: angular2-universal-starter, Help release Angular 2 beta, scarf...
Jeff - Tips: Use classes in ng2, but everything singleton; no inheritance - Picks: Full Stack Angular2

Angular Air is a video podcast all about Angular hosted by instructor Kent C. Dodds. Please visit the Angular Air website ( to see upcoming and past episodes. Also be sure to follow Angular Air on Twitter and Google+ to stay up to date with future episodes. Also, all episodes are on the YouTube channel as well.

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