Previous Episode: 22 ngAir - Angular Data

Angular Accessibility - Accessibility on the web is something that helps all users (whether they have disabilities or not). Marcy Sutton is passionate about accessibility and will join us to give some tips and tricks to making accessible web applications with Angular.

Guests: Marcy Sutton

Panelists: Aimee Knight and Jeff Whelpley


Marcy - Accessibility Wins, Progress Towards an Engineering Discipline of Software by Mary Shaw (super awesome speaker at Gotocon Amsterdam), Notes on Client-Rendered Accessibility, Frozen banana ice cream (because summer), Development tips: Protractor accessibility plugin, My JSConf talk on automated accessibility testing, Chrome accessibility developer tools
Kent - cloc and Live a balanced life
Aimee - Color Blindness App Test, Learn Functional Programming
Jeff - Universal JavaScript

Angular Air is a video podcast all about Angular hosted by instructor Kent C. Dodds. Please visit the Angular Air website ( to see upcoming and past episodes. Also be sure to follow Angular Air on Twitter and Google+ to stay up to date with future episodes. Also, all episodes are on the YouTube channel as well.

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