Angular's New Router - Routing and state handling is something that every serious SPA needs. Angular's new router is the new answer to this need that will work for both Angular 1.x applications as well as Angular 2.x (and everywhere in between). Brian Ford from the Angular team has put the majority of the work into the new router and we're excited to have him join us to talk about it!

Guests: Brian Ford

Panelists: Olivier Combe, PatrictJS, and Jeff Whelpley


Brian - pokemon in general, but especially charizard, Stalker (film), – I bought this domain, what should I do with it? (this is like a reverse pick)
Olivier - Routing in Angular 2, Angular Buddies (Slack)
Kent - LASKI! Hoopes Vision, Gleb Bahmutov
Patrick - AngularU, Boba Tea, Pokemon: Blastoise
Jeff - Patrick's hair, Falcor, Codeship CI Deployment

Angular Air is a video podcast all about Angular hosted by instructor Kent C. Dodds. Please visit the Angular Air website ( to see upcoming and past episodes. Also be sure to follow Angular Air on Twitter and Google+ to stay up to date with future episodes. Also, all episodes are on the YouTube channel as well.

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