Do you remember when TVs turned off at midnight? These days, you can watch TV at any time you please. If you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t fall back asleep, there is always something on. With streaming services, you can choose what to watch too! In the ’60s, ’70s, and ’80s TVs actually went static at midnight.

This happened when the transmitter was shut down. Many times, there was some sort of sign off. You might remember the National Anthem being played before the TV went to static. During this time, it cost too much for TV stations to run for small audiences. Generally, the TV came back on around 6 a.m. the next day.

For All Mankind: In an alternative version of 1969, the Soviet Union beats the United States to the Moon, and the space race continues on for decades with still grander challenges and goals.

In a story that was deemed gripping enough to make the headlines section by ESPN editors, the IAAF made waves, er snowdrifts, by requesting that the International Olympic Committee add cross country running to the Winter Olympics program. A worrisome obstacle is the Olympics' charter that states: "only those sports which are practiced on snow and ice are considered as winter sports".

In March of 2020, I slipped on the illegally dumped cooking grease in front of John’s Burger and couldn’t walk for 6 weeks. This was my first injury since I started Endurance Training in 1979. Then in late April of 2020, I ended up in the hospital for the first time in my life. The diagnosis was Congestive Heart Failure. This Vlog / Podcast documents my Sixth Decade of Endurance Training. The past Decade was about HOW FAR I could go.  This Decade will be about HOW FAST can I go post Congestive Heart Failure.


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