Adam Setser has had a goal to qualify for the Western States Lottery for many years and a couple weeks ago he did it. We discuss the genesis of the dream, the setbacks and how he achieved that goal at the 2021 Black Canyon 100k.  The odds are long to get into the 2022 Western States 100 Mile Endurance Race. But we plan to document his journey in future episodes.

The 2021 Black Canyon 100K is a 2022 Western States 100 qualifier. You must complete the entire 100K distance under 17 hours in order to be eligible for the lottery. Beginning with the 2015 race, they made the qualifying standards trail 100K and 100 Mile races. They have limited the number of qualifying races to the largest trail 100 milers domestically, and the largest 100Ks that are also of significant difficulty. Worldwide, they’ve included the largest races but also have the goal of geographic diversity so runners from anywhere in the world have an opportunity to run a qualifying race.  Experience the beauty of winding Sonoran Desert trails in the shadow of the Bradshaw Mountains. The course is point-to-point with net elevation loss.. but do not be fooled: this is a tough and taxing course with the majority of elevation gain coming the second half of the course. Challenge yourself in 2021 and join us for the 7th annual Black Canyon 100K! The course runs along the non-motorized Black Canyon Trail (a National Recreation Trail) featuring a mixture of single track trail, jeep roads, and pieces of an old stagecoach route.





In March of 2020, I slipped on the illegally dumped cooking grease in front of John’s Burger and couldn’t walk for 6 weeks. This was my first injury since I started Endurance Training in 1979. Then in late April of 2020, I ended up in the hospital for the first time in my life. The diagnosis was Congestive Heart Failure. This Vlog / Podcast documents my Sixth Decade of Endurance Training. The past Decade was about HOW FAR I could go.  This Decade will be about HOW FAST can I go post Congestive Heart Failure.


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