No Weasel this morning so I Chugged a 10k in honor of Joshua Cheptegei amazing 26:11 World Record 10k run yesterday. Plus who knew I was like Old Surfers and Jerry Seinfeld.

DoorDash Life: Restaurants screwup and I get the shaft. Back to GrubHub I guess.


Been thinking about Cheptegi’s assault on the 10K WR of 26:17 today in Valencia — Here is roughly how good you’d have to be to rabbit some part of the race at 63.0:  Mile - HS State Champion 2 Mile - NCAA All-American 5K - Olympian 7K - Olympic medalist 8K - Kenenisa Bekele


some exec over at nbc sports is watching this and losing their shit trying to figure out how they’re able to broadcast this whole 10k without cutting away to pole vault highlights or a commercial for the usatf online store


"Cheptegei and his colleagues are more of track athletes than road racing. We shall teach him a few tips in road racing.” -- Kenya's Bernard Kipkorir Ngeno ahead of next week's World Half.  Apparently he missed Cheptegei's 5k/10k/15k road WRs?

The take-home? You don’t have to switch to polarized training unless desired but, it’s likely still worth spending 70-80% of your time training at easier intensities. 

Endurance Noise & Random Musings

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