Michael P Gibson
In 1665, Cambridge University closed b/c of the plague. Issac Newton quarantined himself at his childhood home. It was the most productive time of his life. He discovered the calculus & laws of motion. Stuck a bodkin in his eye to study optics. How will you spend the next year?
Adharanand Finn
Feb 27
The flu kills 650,000 people a year. The world barely bats an eye. Are we over-reacting to the coronavirus? (2,800 deaths)
Jonathan Gault
Mar 1
If there’s one thing the results in Atlanta showed, it’s that the marathon is way more unpredictable than the track. So many things can go wrong on race day. You can have an amazing buildup and still might only have a 70% chance to run well. Think I forgot that this week.
Peter Bromka
[Not about any 1 runner]
If you're a pro runner who trains for months without updates, then competes in the Trials and either DNFs or finishes way back, then disappears without an update or press access, why should the fans care?
Why are you sponsored?
Our sport is frustrating.
Joseph Gray
Mar 2
Seeing athletes abandon Athletic shoe from their sponsor & using/promoting another brand simply because they "think" they may run faster shows how ungrateful peep can b. If u dont believe in a brand, dont sign the contract. You r taking space from someone who would cherish the opportunityHundred points symbol
Jonathan J. Marcus
They is no legitimate need for a 12-and-under National Champion to be crowned in any sport.
This title serves the egos of the adults watching far more than the needs of the children actually playing.
Hal Higdon
Feb 28
Our ability to do certain workouts often is affected by what we did the day before or the week before or the three months before.


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