Next Episode: No Payne No Gain!

Why oh why oh why did I let them talk me into entering Comrades 2020. For ****'s sake, it's a 90-kilometer ultramarathon in South Africa. I've never run anything like that distance in my life and now I've hit the Big 50, I reckon I've probably left it too late. But I'm not alone in this quest, and fortunately, my other comrades (sigh...) are much more experienced, committed and optimistic runners than I am, so I'm hoping that I'll be carried along by their optimism, enthusiasm and high levels of fitness. 
That said, with a combined age of over 250, the five of us can hardly be called sprightly, but what we can all do pretty well is talk endlessly about running to anyone who'll listen. So this series of pods will be about our journey over the next months, chatting about what we've let ourselves in for and how we're going to deal with training, nutrition, strategy, avoiding injury, nerves, and much more in the run up to our African adventure. They won't be serious conversations, but if you're planning a similar act of running madness, then enjoy the chats and hopefully you can learn from our mistakes.
By the way, we're all members of the fantastic Caistor Running Club in Lincolnshire, UK, and would love to get your feedback on any of the episodes. And if you're not too far away from Lincolnshire and share similar ambitions, then why not join us for one of the shows? Let's get this party started!