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Sermon on the Mount Part 6

Matthew 6:5-15

In our verses today, Jesus talks about prayer. 

First, He discusses our motivation when it comes to prayer.

Then He gives us guidance in how we should pray.

Both of these subjects are vitally important to us as believers, and we should take the words of Jesus seriously.

Here is what He did not say, then we will get into how we can apply this prayer to us today.

He did not say, “Take this prayer and pray it all the time.” 

He did not say, “Pray this prayer when you feel like it.”

He did not say, “Pray this prayer.” AT ANY TIME!

What He did say was, “Pray in this manner.”

In other words, this is a model for us to take to learn how to pray, not a prayer to be repeated.

Before you go, I want to thank you for listening or downloading this podcast. If you were blessed by today’s study, please consider leaving us a review wherever you listen. This will help us grow and reach more people. 

We have some exciting news coming up soon, so please remember to check back on our website or on our Facebook or Twitter page for any announcements. We can be found on major social media platforms @crowministries.

Also, if you would like more information about our ministry, go to www.jerrycrowministries.com. Here you can check out our blog and other resources. And, if you are able, we would appreciate any financial offering you are able to make to the ministry on our donate page. You can give securely through PayPal and all money received will go directly to the ministry. Also, please join us in praying for this ministry and the people who listen to this podcast. We have listeners all over the world and it is only by the grace of God and the prayers of people like you, we are able to reach across so many national borders. 

Thank you all and may God bless you richly in the mercies of Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit.


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