Using his 20 years experience in corporate health, Mark outlines a bunch of practical tips for working from home (particularly during Covid-19). Covering Ayurveda health tips, creating boundaries between work & home/family life, how to avoid social isolation/loneliness (incl 3 top tips from TED psychologist, Dr. Guy Winch), Dr. Adam Fraser's Third space, how to optimize your physical workspace, ergonomic tips & what to do when you have kids or partners also at home  ... e.g. how to tie them up and gag them properly!!   Mark also introduces his 'Remote Worker Wellness' video conferences and webinars for companies and school groups now having to work from home.   #workfromhome #workingfromhome #remotework #remoteworkerwellness #guywinch #dradamfraser #thirdspace #adamfraser 

Using his 20 years experience in corporate health, Mark outlines a bunch of practical tips for working from home (particularly during Covid-19). Covering Ayurveda health tips, creating boundaries between work & home/family life, how to avoid social isolation/loneliness (incl 3 top tips from TED psychologist, Dr. Guy Winch), Dr. Adam Fraser's Third space, how to optimize your physical workspace, ergonomic tips & what to do when you have kids or partners also at home  ... e.g. how to tie them up and gag them properly!!   Mark also introduces his 'Remote Worker Wellness' video conferences and webinars for companies and school groups now having to work from home.   #workfromhome #workingfromhome #remotework #remoteworkerwellness #guywinch #dradamfraser #thirdspace #adamfraser