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On this hour of Real Israel Talk Radio- Episode 63, I am dedicating the first half of the program to a broad overview of the Yeshua and Salvation teaching series concepts in the event that this might help some listeners consolidate the points that I've been making over the past 9 programs. Then, with the second half of the show, I will take us into an in-depth story of Yeshua's Third Day resurrection and show that this doctrine is not sci-fi nor is it a mere children's fairy tale or some fanciful wishful thinking as we witness the social, political, and economic collapse of the world as we have known it. So many are exhausted from trying to extract some the truth from a maniacal  media gone mad. Others are just downright groping for hope in the midst of a global spiritual darkness.

In Deuteronomy 32:10, we can read these words: "He found him in a desert land and in the wasteland, a howling wilderness; He encircled him, He instructed him, He kept him as the apple of His eye." This phrase, apple of his eye" is a loose translation from a biblical Hebrew statement that says, "the little man of his eye."  What is this supposed to mean? I believe that the answer is found in Exodus 19:11: "And let them be ready for the third day. For on the third day Yehovah will come down upon Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people." According to the Hebrew text, this can be understood as follows: "In (with) the Day of the Third, He (Yehovah) will go up (ascend, rise, move upward) towards My Eye; He - all of the people (collective masculine singular) will ascend Mount Sinai." This is hidden Third Day resurrection talk and it is confirmed with the last line of Exodus 19:13, "When the trumpet sounds long, they shall come near the mountain.” Once again, however, the Hebrew text gives us a different point of view: “In seizing upon you (stretching out his arm to draw you out, carry you, pull you)...the Yovel (the voice of the Jubilee Ram’s Horn - see John 5:28-29 and the Exodus 19:16), all of them (Israel) - they will ascend (go up, rise up) into the mountain.” 

I will speak about this matter of Yehovah's promised Third Day resurrection for Messiah Yeshua and for us that are joined to him by faith in order to escape the Genesis 2:17 second death, which is what Paul spoke about in 1 Corinthians 15:50-57. This IS the Good News; the Gospel that we read about in the New Covenant. This program is Real Israel Talk Radio Episode 63 titled Yeshua and Salvation PART 10, Program 210320.

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