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On this final end-of-series program episode about Yeshua and Salvation, I am going to bring to a conclusion all of the ideas about what is biblical salvation as I expressed the lessons from the ten previous programs.

In 1 Peter 1:17-19, we learn this: "...knowing that you were not redeemed with corruptible things -- silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition from your fathers."

The concept behind a conduct or work of aimlessness appears to be derived from Genesis 4:16 where we learn this: "Then Cain (Kayin) went out from the presence of Yehovah and dwelt in the land of Nod on the east of Eden."  The place name "Nod" is given to us from the Hebrew letters Nun-Vav-Dalet, which is a term that refers to wandering and homelessness. When Adam and Chavah ("Eve") were cast out of the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:23) and subsequently had physical offspring (Genesis 4:1), our first family was considered homeless vagabonds and wanderers because they were no longer home, in the Garden of Eden.

However, there was to be provided one way in returning back to the Garden of Eden; it was to be provided as a free gift of deliverance (salvation) through the One who has many names in Hebrew scripture: the One referred to as "Peleh" from the Hebrew letters Pey-Lamed-Alef and translated to English as the "Wonderful" (see Isaiah 9:6; v.5 in Hebrew; Genesis 18:14, and Matthew 21:15).  His role was to be understood as "the man of my time" from Leviticus 16:21 and John 7:6. This was to fulfill the Exodus metaphor of a Passover Lamb as it was expressed in Exodus 12:4 and John 6:52-53.

I will speak about all of these points and more in this Real Israel Talk Radio Episode 64,  our final episode of Yeshua and Salvation PART 11, Program 210327.

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