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Day 9The last blog! :( Today was our free day and it was absolutely amazing, so hard to articulate how this trip has impacted us. Lithuania is incredible, i cannot recommend it enough going and doing a missions trip with the McKinley’s. They’re heart for Lithuania is seen in everything they do, and it bled into our team- and I can honestly I’m changed forever by this trip and love people so much more because of the experience I had on this trip!
It was our free day where we got to tour fun parts of Lithuania! We went to Trakai castle and the beach. Trakai was super pretty and it was awesome to walk around and get to learn different history lessons of the country. Carly and I kept falling over every 10 seconds, but at least we got some cute photos 😂 We all went shopping at the cute shops around the castle and got some cool trinkets and amber jewelry (what they’re famous for). Amber is really big in Baltics. After everyone was done with the castle we went swimming with some of the teens we met at the VBS kids camp. The water was really cold and too deep for me, but it was still fun to splash around and get to know the other Lithuanian teens a bit more (they translated for us at the kids day camp!). The changing stalls in Lithuania are really weird too (European culture is still something I need to get use to, ha!). They are just out in the open! We then said goodbye to our new friends and left to Luke and Tanya's to eat a whole lot of Italian food and have one last big group debrief. Tomorrow is going to be a very early morning (3am!) and a very sad send off, but we will not forget what God has done in our hearts here. Thanks for reading these blogs. I hope you had as much fun reading them as I did writing them! 