Day 8Today was a pretty laid back day. We got to attend one of the soft launch Journey church services. The Duluth team did a worship set and Felicia and I got to speak a little bit about the kids camp we did. The service was a lot of fun and it was cool to meet some of Luke and Tanyas close friends (Luke did an incredible job sharing his heart for this city with Journey church!). Side note. Carly and Erin also got stuck on the 5th floor of the building the church was in. It took us around an hour and 30 minuets to find was rough. We all thought they were setting up for church, working really hard- till we noticed we hadn’t seen them in a very long time (and couldn’t remember our last encounters with them). Carly cried & screamed. Wasn’t a pretty sight, but in a few days it’ll all be laugh worthy. Erin was the calm one. Oof. 
After church we went to the mall food court and all got something to eat. I ate some super good tacos! Luke and Tanya let us walk around the mall for a while and look at some of the stores. Their daughter Morgan told us about this really cool store called Revolve and it was AWESOME. I probably got a little too much there (sorry mom, didn’t just use my card for ‘emergencies’ 😬). As soon as we were done shopping it was nap time (we are still feeling big side effects of jet leg, were 8hrs ahead from home!).
We all met for dinner at this INCREDIBLE traditional Lithuanian restaurant. We had a fantastic 3 course meal (potato soup, then pork & potatoes with sour Kraut... the pork was the best thing I’ve ever eaten, literally melted in your mouth, then finished off with this dessert that tasted like honey graham crackers with sweet cream 😍). 2 men came and sang us Lithuanian songs, even had us participate with musical instruments! It was super fun! 
That was basically the end of our day and tomorrow begins the last day in Lithuania. It’s bitter sweet, but tomorrow is going to be a super fun free/sight see day! 

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