Previous Episode: Boston Trip Day 1
Next Episode: Boston Trip Day 3

Hey guys!! I'm so excited to be sharing our second day adventures with you - by the way, it's Noah!

So our day started with waking up bright and early - 7am. We took our showers and I, of course, worked on my hair for 20 minutes. Than, we all gathered together to do some morning devotions led by Matt, the floodwood leader. He spoke about what we expect God to do in our lives here, and how we can impact the broken city of Lynn.

We then proceeded to eat some gourmet breakfast - Cereal!!! Here's the catch though - our director from Lynn, Pastor Roy, had forgotten to buy paper bowls from the store. So, we ate out cereal out of plastic cups, and it was amazing.

Now, we went to our work sites. Half of our group went around the city giving out flyers to come to ECIC (the church we are staying at) on Sunday morning for service! The other half, including me, went to the old church site (a worn down home) to work on refinishing the porch and paint. Now let me fill you in on something, I LOVE house working shows. I love seeing people work on old homes and make them new again. So this was my type of party. Kera and the intern Erica started scraping off the white paint from the porch wood, while I did something daring and risky - using the power hose. It was amazing, i cleaned the siding and deck and everything looks new. Our group will be back Thursday to finish - I'll let you know how it goes.

After our work sites we came back for lunch and ate some fluffer nutter sandwiches - peanut butter and marshmallow cream!! They were delicious.

Right after lunch, Pastor Roy asked me to come help him get the trailer to help set up MetroKids- and outreach program to help kids know Jesus. So we got the trailer, and we set everything up and we get going. Everything comes with something bad though- we started setting up the tents for the different stations and guess what. They started flying away from the wind. So we staked them down in hopes that they would stay, and guess what again. They didn't. So we decided to just use tables for registration and facepaint (which I was working) and everything went smooth from there.

After an amazing time at MetroKids, our group and some of Pastor Roys interns drove over to Salem to get some hotdogs and walk around the sites. Let me tell you something, I will be coming back here. It is absolutely fascinating, the memorial to the "witches" who were killed, and how the city of Salem has adopted this idea of the "Witch City." So we ate some AMAZING hot dogs (I had a hotdog with Mac & Cheese and Bacon on it) and we started walking around the sites of Salem. Near the end we went to the shore of the Atlantic, and we found this big open space of land and of course, we started playing Ultimate Frisbee. We had two teams, the bruisers (or the losers in my opinion) or the Thuglits (inside joke, I'm on this team.) Of course my team, the Thuglits, won.

After this we walked down the dock and sat on rocks and put our feet in the freezing cold water, and we sat and poured our hearts out to each other. I told my team and interns things that were on my heart and they accepted me for them. God is truly so good for blessing me with these people.

By this time it was pretty dark, so we made a couple pit stops (for coffee, and ice cream) but we made it back to the Boston Hot Dog Co (where we are, Pastor Roy is friends with the owner) and we sat and listened to Joe, the owner, tell us his testimony and how he gave everything to God later in life. Watch out guys, Boston Hot Dog Co. might be coming our way!!

We ended our night with some talking about tomorrow and finishing up some practice for MetroKids. Our team also gave some shoutouts to people who did good, and we gave some encouragement throughout the team. We truly have became so close, it's so amazing what God can do.

Thank you all for reading and going on this crazy adventure with me!! Tomorrow's gonna be amazing (especially since it's my birthday ) and we will fill you in on what happens tomorrow!!! Please keep us and the city of Lynn in your prayers!!!

Much love - Noah